2021年度 別科日本語研修課程入学試

Successful applicants who are admitted to the Japanese Language Course of Tokai University must have the Certificate of Eligibility and a student (Ryugaku) visa. Tokai University will apply to the Immigration Bureau for the Certificate of Eligibility on your behalf. When you receive the Certificate of Eligibility, take it with you to the Consulate or Embassy of Japan in your home country. Please follow the application process as stated below. Successful applicants must complete enrollment procedures (submission of documents and payment) during the period below.〈Spring Admission〉 November 10-25, 2020 (Japan time)〈Fall Admission〉 May 25-June 9, 2021 (Japan time) ・Registration documents must arrive at Tokai University by mail during the above period. ・Refer to “Enrollment information” sent to successful applicants for details.*1 The Certificate of Eligibility(CoE) will be issued to Tokai University within two to three months after Tokai University submits the application to the Immigration Bureau. We can not guarantee the issue of CoE.*2All the documents from Tokai University will be sent to the address ticked on the application form 【Form C-1】.*3 Contact persons in Japan should send the Certificate of Eligibility to the student overseas by EMS/DHL immediately. We advise them to make a copy of it and keep it at hand. *4 After the student overseas receives the Certificate of Eligibility, he or she should apply for a Student Visa at the Japanese Embassy or Consulate in their home country as soon as possible. Showing the Certificate of Eligibility, valid passport and Letter of Admission issued by Tokai University. *5 The student must present the passport with a valid visa and the Certificate of Eligibility to an immigration inspector at the port of entry into Japan. Then students will be issued a seal of arrival in Japan, stamped on their passport.7. CERTIFICATE OF ELIGIBILITYAction by students Send completed documentation for enrollmentReceive Certificate of Eligibility (*3)Apply and obtain a student visa at Embassy/Consulate (*4)Entry into Japan (*5)Enrollment8. REGISTRATION1. Registration2. Refund of feesOnce received, the Admission Fee will not be refunded for any reason. If you decide to cancel your enrollment at Tokai University for some reason after registration, submit the documents for cancellation of enrollment to the Office Admissions Services for International Students (OASIS) by registered mail or bring them in person by 5 p.m. March 31, 2021 for Spring Admission and 5 p.m. August 31, 2021 for Fall Admission. After the completion of all necessary formalities for cancellation of enrollment, Tokai University will confirm formal withdrawal and refund all tuition and fees (except the admission fee). Refer to the enrollment information sent to successful applicants for details.Action by Tokai UniversityApplication ProcessApply for Certificate of Eligibility Send Certificate of Eligibility (*2)Immigration BureauCertificate of EligibilityAction byIssue(*1)─ 9 ─

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